Untitled (Fansly)
2022-12-13 01:30:38
I just need to say this, as I have started to feel a little more overwhelmed(This is not directed at any singular person- as I have multiple people who have this tier perk- so please never take these types of conversations personally) Priority DMs is not equal to 24hr a day access, especially if you have me on Discord. It means I will prioritize your messages to the best of my ability- but please do not bombard me with messages. As much as I would love to be able to talk with everyone- I am one person, and I don’t have the mental fortitude to have multiple conversations going all day/every day. In my personal life- I am someone who doesn’t event talk to some of my best friends for days/weeks on end. So daily communication is actually a huge thing for me to offer. It makes me feel anxious/ overwhelmed when I can’t respond to everything and I come to DMs with strings of messages because I genuinely try to be as responsive as I can. I’m finding this is increasingly affecting me in my more personal space(my Discord DMs). I need to be able to shut off my mind from time to time. I am but one cat girl that is doing the workload of a full team constantly. Just please keep that in mind 💕