Untitled (Fansly)
2022-05-03 19:49:51
Mandy Candy Quickie Update 31% + Painting Download Hello everyone! I hope your May is going great so far =) It seems for SOME CRAZY reason everyone just LOVES the painting Candice and Amanda have above their bed. No idea why you all would love this painting so much pfft... The painting is actually a commission done by the artist RevaDiehard. You can find her on twitter: https://twitter.com/RevaDiehard I have another commission from her for the painting above Mary's bed as well =) but you wont see that for awhile muwhahahaha! OK SO Mandy Candy is coming along nicely. This month is going to be super busy and we are trying to get two projects done simultaneously as well as starting up two new projects early next month! I will share an animated preview of Mandy Candy later this week. I ran into a little rendering issue so the "trailer" got delayed a few days but I will have something for you this week =) Ok that's it. I hope you're doing well. How's your sister? Did she ever get that spontaneous erection issue fixed?