Untitled (Fansly)
2021-12-28 03:04:58
Hi guys. I interrupt my usually horny posting to bring to you a kind of a serious post/campaign. Sorry! I mentioned it in the last post and I've mentioned it before, but I've been suffering for months with throat problems. Basically, due to a chronic acid reflux problem, the lining of my esophagus is constantly being burned by stomach acid. It hurts my throat, dries it up, and my body tries to combat it by producing mucus which is causing me to choke constantly throughout the day and in my sleep. This could lead to other more serious problems down the line if I don't try to figure out a way to take care of it. I've spent entire days clearing my throat, and for a while I was trying to take all sorts of medicine and cough drops before I was finally able to get in to see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor who told me to stop. She did a nasal upper endoscopy to help me figure out what was going on so that I could create a plan about it. The other day I spent some of the money I've made on a humidifier, air purifier, and 7 house plants to help balance the humidity in my home and clean the air. Today has been the first day in months where I've been able to get through almost the entire day without clearing my throat once. I still feel like there is stuff there, but it is a step in the right direction to helping take care of at least one of my health problems. Additionally I am taking medicine that was prescribed to me and drinking the recommended amount of water a day. I'm trying to do everything I can. It seems like environmental factors play the biggest role in making me feel like shit, so I'd like to continue to try and regulate the factors of my environment to help myself. I am creating this campaign so that I can get another humidifier and air purifier for the opposite side of my apartment (in my bedroom), that way my entire apartment is covered. I'd also like to get 7 more plants because they help with humidity and air cleaning as well. Making these changes could possibly help improve my current situation, slow