Untitled (Fansly)
2024-05-24 16:26:39
Over the last couple weeks I have been practicing making full face content on my Instagram. I didn’t want anyone to see it cause im still getting comfortable so I posted it to “friends only”. I think I am getting better and I would like some feedback from anyone who is interested in seeing it 😍 I am gonna start adding people to my “friends only” list who want to check out what I have been posting and share thoughts. If you tip $100 on this post and share your Instagram name then I will add you to my “friends only” list on my Instagram account forever. I have a bunch of “friends only” highlight videos pinned to my page and a bunch of photos. Once you are added to the ”friends only” list you will instantly see everything that has been shared. I have to add you manually so if I take an hour or so to add you please don’t get impatient. I will eventually get you added and send you a message on Instagram when its done 😇 I know this is a lot of money but this isn’t my official face reveal and I kinda don’t want a lot of people to see me learning so I priced it high so that only the most dedicated friends will purchase it. Eventually this content will be free on Instagram so don’t buy this if you can wait. For those who do buy it, once I start posting full face content to IG for everyone I will still post exclusive “friends only” content where I am practicing a new style or if it’s just something that I don’t need everyone to see. Thanks in advance to anyone who joins my “friends only” there any gives me feedback 💕