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Last week was an emotional rollercoaster. My 15 year old dog Max was showing some bad signs and when I brought him to the vet they told me that his kidneys were starting to fail. 

They kept him overnight for testing and treatment and when I got him back the next day he was in bad shape. The vet said we needed to stabilize his kidneys before we would know for certain what would come next. 

They sent me home with a saline bag and some needles and said give him fluids once a day for 10 days and we will go from there. We also changed his diet and added in some meds. 

That was on Wednesday. By Friday he was doing even worse and for the first time in 15 years I had to grapple with the decision of when to euthanize Max. So many tears.

To be honest with you, I thought today was going to be the day. I had come to terms with it on Friday and I was bracing myself for it. However, he started to show some signs of improvement on Saturday and by this morning he is actually doing much better. 

There are 6 more days of fluids left to give him before I take him back to the vet but it's looking like he has a little more life left in him. I took him for a short walk today and it was the first time in over a week that I have seen him perk up with excitement. 

I will keep you guys updated on how things go. I didn't want to post about it last week because I was just processing way too much emotionally, however, I feel much better now and wanted you guys to know what was going on and why I haven't been posting ๐Ÿ’•



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