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Hey guys, I wanna fill you in on a little something that happened yesterday. 

While we were on our boat trip @austinfilms took turns taking us out on a jet ski one by one and on one of those turns he had a pretty bad accident. I happened to be on the back of the jet ski with him at the time and fortunately I wasn’t hurt at all, but he went flying off in front of it and it hit him in the face. 

I’ve been with him in the ER as much as I could be over the last 24 hours. He just had facial reconstruction surgery on the left side of his face, which was the only damaged side. Wanted to keep you guys in the loop since you will probably notice a change in pace regarding group content creation the rest of this trip. 

He’s doing much better after his surgery but we are probably going to take it very easy and spend most of the remaining time just resting with him. There were a bunch more things we wanted to do, but those will have to wait for next time. 

Just wanted you guys to know what’s up. That being said, prior notice to all of this happened he was putting in crazy work filming and we did get some awesome group content that both him and I are super excited to share that with you. ❤️


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