Untitled (Fansly)
2024-09-02 05:35:19
good morning! Don't forget to drink water, but don't forget that even water can kill. Yesterday I was drinking about a liter of liquid (water + tomato juice) per hour for hours on end and then I noticed that I was drinking too much and my stomach turned into a barrel. I literally looked like I was pregnant and realized I was drinking too much water and stopped. It was scary and I decided to look up information on how to drink water properly (although I used to just drink too little water and that was a problem too) And so it's clear that drinking large amounts of water for every hour for many hours on end is dangerous. But it is also not very healthy to drink water only 1-2 times a day in large quantities. Drink water evenly and make sure that you drink about 4 liters a day if you are a man and 3 liters if you are a woman. I don't know what happened to me yesterday, but the water tasted too good and I wanted more and more. And then I remembered tomato juice, and you know how I love tomato juice.... My parents gave me 8 huge packs of tomato juice... Drink right and drink in moderation and be healthy!