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2022-08-11 22:11:10
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Let's talk about the meaning of life again but more deliberately? I watched a very interesting video and I want to share information with you. 🏰The meaning of life in the premodern era People are limited in movement (knowledge is limited - the transfer of knowledge by oral speech and handwritten). There is a division into estates, activities are fixed and people do not have to choose how to live, traditional values are undeniable. The source of truth is the church. Who you were born depends on who you were in a past life. The meaning of life is to follow God's will so that your next life (or afterlife) will be good. 🚂The meaning of life in the modern era since the 15th century The development of science and the spread of knowledge, the industrial revolution and the possibility of travel, as well as changing culture, religion and activities. The source of truth is science. The transfer of information is printed. The meaning of life is to know the world and subordinate it to human needs. Following global ideas such as liberalism, communism or Nazism. (All of these ideas failed in one way or another) 📺The meaning of life in the postmodern era since about 1970 period of doubt. People are tired of being part of global ideas, the realization that religion and science can be dangerous. There is no complete trust in authorities, an independent search for answers to questions. There is no truth. Source of information - TV, Internet, radio. The universal value for people is intolerance to cruelty. We are constantly faced with the question of who we are and what is the meaning of life. People sneer at everything, at God, at life, at everything. 💗The meaning of life in the era of metamodern (similar to postmodern but a little later) Shameful pleasure has ceased to be shameful, only violence is shameful. You can deny everything in the world, but you need to be friends and develop your personality. We know that there is no single common way for all to live correctly. Answer for yourself what is the meaning of life you