Untitled (Fansly)
2021-08-21 23:04:34
Hey everyone who’s here so far! I’ll be uploading majority of my content that was on my OF here and also updating with new photo sets and videos that I have planned to post. Can’t wait to post more for your guys & create more. I have finally reached 1k uncensored photos and 72 vids for my ultimate tier subs and that's not even all of it! Will be working to upload the rest! To everyone else, thank you for following! As I work with the migration, I’m leaving my DMs open temporarily to everyone purely to answer and respond to questions and concerns about the situation and so I can communicate with current OF subscribers to help them move over and also answer their questions and concerns about the platform switch. I will be closing DMs to only be accessible by subscribers only once I feel settled here. If there are other questions and concerns I’ll try to get to them, too so please bare with me because I still have my schooling to prioritize on top of all of this. 🥰