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My face when OnlyFans

That's it

That's the end of the sentence lol

Here's what I know so far, I'll keep you guys updated as I learn things:

#1: OnlyFans has made no statement about people getting to keep their explicit purchases or not but they would literally have to go through millions of people's messages and individually remove videos so it's highly, highly likely your purchases are safe. However, to protect you, I am making a spreadsheet of everyone who has videos and which ones you have, so that if your purchases are removed I can hopefully restore them to you on the new platform. I'm going to do my best. I recommend also messaging OnlyFans support with that question!! They need to hear from fans as well as creators. You guys not losing your PPV purchases is one of my #1 concerns right now.

#2: Lots of creators are currently waiting to see which platform people enjoy who's gonna offer the best percentages, and I'm one of them. I've put up a poll my subreddit to find out your guys' preferences! I'm leaning towards the one that starts with F, the one that starts with A, and the one that starts with P because that's where I'm seeing a lot of people whose opinions I trust going. It's very likely I'll make several accounts so you'll have options. All accounts will have the exact same content.

#3: I will continue to post here until the explicit content deadline (we can post new explicit stuff until the last day of September). Then, I'll probably do some kind of massive sale and leave my old content up until the last day of November (deadline to remove all old explicit content) for anyone to enjoy if they wanna stay.

#4: OnlyFans has not explained how they're going to take care of people who have extended subscriptions like 3, 6, and 12 month subscriptions. If they don't release a statement within the next two weeks I'll take matters into my own hands and provide you comped subscriptions to my new platform. For the moment, please don't ask the platform for a refund from the creators you follow--they usually take that right out of our earnings, and too many chargebacks gets your account deleted. (I have no idea if that rule is gonna be followed in these weird times, though. If I find out they're not I'll let you know.)

Whatever happens, I've got you!! Let's perv on until the deadline, blueberries. 🤘 I'm making my new accounts as fast as possible but as you can imagine servers are absolutely flooded with people moving platforms (the one that starts with F just announced on their Twitter they're processing 4000 applications per hour or something ridiculous like that.)

Please follow me on Twitter @MissBlueGWA for latest updates and the off chance this account gets deleted (they said they can change the deadline whenever they want which is a scary sentence)



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