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…. She did it again. And another tall Latina that doesn’t need help with promotion did it, too. 🫠

It’s bad enough I’m supposed to compete with all these women who have bigger tits and ass than I do can u just fuck off. 

If you’re so ugly inside and out you have to go out of your way to promote yourself in someone else’s stream while they’re working then maybe you should keep to yourself and enjoy never getting my publicity and marketing. Take yourself and your ill intentions out of my life. 

You can promote yourself on Twitter, Instagram, onlyfans, Reddit, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, 4chan, etc. there’s THOUSANDS of options and places online to advertise. You didn’t have to promote yourself here and ruin my day and streams. 

I do the annoying work of self promoting on my own page but would NEVER drop my link in someone’s stream ESPECIALLY WHILE they’re raising funds. I guess some of us don’t have a brain, heart or common decency. 

I wanna tell you to do better for yourself, Elena and all you other parasites. You would have been better off having me on your team. Not against it. 

There is no one else that I know of that promotes and does marketing this way and you chose to be a bad person not only once but twice today. Stop taking advantage and harassing me with your bs. 

I hope you make less than you usually do and that your crush chooses someone else over you and your terrible self. 

Stop doing that to other creators, you awful, selfish people. I’m going through enough crying for my people suffering in North Korea, Myanmar, Tibet, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and more, my health and my jerry springer personal life, I don’t need your pathetic self showing up to bring me down. Act right and add to my life or lose someone that would have been your greatest cheerleader. Ugh. Angry feelings out. 

I know I’m on one again cuz I’m writing run on sentences again. Feed me positive input.

(Better after journaling. I’m sorry I’m late to my own stream, bring me and having this job is kinda a constant input of less than stellar behavior for me to take in daily. I will falter. I am human. )

#cindymoon #007 #silk #blog


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