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hello :) a little heads up.... pleasure is on the way ... these upcoming two weeks of the holiday season I will be spending time in my own space, minimizing time online so I can connect fully with my own body, the humans I'm with in person, nature, and visions for the new year. I have scheduled a bundle of posts - something different each day for you to enjoy. 

Please expect radio silence from me and then if/when I do hop online to send messages it will be a special sparkly treat. I'm always tempted to keep going with the work, the art creation, the online friendships. I love what I do SO MUCH that it's very challenging for me to ease back and be a human in relaxation, unwinding, family, vacation, unplugged, time off type mode. It takes me multiple days to decompress and after those 2-3 days of f0rcing myself to let go of my work, I remember what life feels like as a kid before phones existed. It's amazing and refreshing. 

I have new plans for the new year -- I have some announcements, reorganization, travel plans, projects, collaborations, and offerings for you that will all be shared in January. In order to launch the new year off with clarity and confidence, I'm very excited to step away and take a deep breath....come back even more magical than before!

Remember how amazing this feels? Join me. Yes, I would LOVE to return to my inbox and see all the beautiful messages from you waiting for me. So if you feel inspired, send them. I love them. If you feel called to log off for a while too, then we're doing it together. If you miss me, I understand. I miss you too. Seriously, I long for the little conversations and moments of laughter and connection. So as I said, I may pop in from time to time to tend to this garden of humans. I will not speak for my future self. She may very much enjoy her break and a dozen genius breakthroughs may dance into her mind with all that space to lay around and do nothing. How scary to step off the comfort zone and into the realm of rested possibilities! 

And this also gives you time to reflect. How long have you been with me now? Has it been worth the investment? What are you learning from our livestreams, the messaging, the posts, the artwork? What has been your favorite #1 thing about this world of Cha Wilde that you've been participating in? If you can make a wish for the new year, what would you LOVE to see more of? What do you hope I never stop doing? What are you hungry to learn next? 

Answer some/all of these questions in the comments below. You can also send me longer messages privately in the DMs. I'll read it all when I get back. 

So much love dripping from so many rainbows,
Cha Wilde



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