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I am still with my boyfriend which seems amazing. The truth is, I really do like him so much more when another man has his cock buried in my guts. Yeah, I know, I’m pretty whacked. It is what it is, though. Moving on.

I have this person asking me to retweet their content. In the end, I said no. Why? Because she obviously thinks that guys are idiots. In turn, she acts like an idiot and she talks like an idiot. The worst part is it’s an obvious over acted/scripted rendition of some bullshit she thinks that guys want to see or hear. I don’t want to see any of that shit. Just show me your tits, show me your pussy, but other than that, act like a fucking reasonable adult that didn’t just step off the short bus. Honest to God, if that’s what guys are into, then I just need to get out of his business completely. There is just simply no way I could talk to another adult the way some of these girls do without feeling like a complete condescending moron. Look, I could have a million plus followers on twitter by now if I just bent over and presented a complete fake persona and retweeted everybody under the sun. The problem is, I almost want to barf when I read every God damn tweet that is about sunny days and fuzzy bunnies, and how offended these massively fake and hypocritical people are with every little slight on the planet. But that’s just me. Why am I ranting and raving? I don’t have a fucking clue. I just am, so let’s end this rant here.

I had family that needed my help the last two days, so I did the grandmother thing and did my babysitting duties for two days. Now I’m ready for some peace and quiet and I don’t know, maybe a dick in my ass. About right now, a dick in my ass sounds pretty damn good. I don’t have anybody to place said dick in my ass, but I suppose I can get to work on that.

Never make fun of your girlfriend’s choices. You’re one of those choices. Once again, I am just saying.

God plays dirty tricks on people. Or maybe they just manufacture defects I don’t know. I realize I don’t want anymore kids. But fuck if I don’t see a super good-looking guy and think I want him to pump a fucking baby into me right now. My pussy becomes a sloppy wet girl goo sponge just thinking about it. I have no idea why that turns me on so much. I guess I’ll just go with it.

 I’ve come to this conclusion. Dating a single father is like continuing on from someone else’s saved video game. There is a reason I mention this and I will expand upon it later. I’m not ready yet I have to think it out.

Someone wrote to me and said that when I become an old lady, I’ll be stuck with my tattoos. The jokes on him. I’m already an old lady. Either way, I’ll still fuck his dick right off.

I know pretty famous porn chick who doesn’t want to take her new husband’s last name. Seems like a complete and fucking waste of time to worry about something this stupid. Does anyone actually care about this? Is this actually a thing? Take it, don’t take it, but for fuck's sake, please just shut up about it. If I got married, I would take my husband’s last name, but not because I’m old-fashioned or something goofy like that. I just don’t want anybody from high school to find me ever again. I’m just saying.



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