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I've been having the strangest dreams. This morning, I woke up, remembering the latest story my brain created:
From what I can recall, I was watching, in third person, a major awards show. It was broadcast, on television. A young boy approached the podium, not supposed to be there. The host of the show, endeared that the child came onto the stage, handed him the microphone and a song began to play on the screen behind the presenter. This youngin began to sing, with the playback of the music video. It was so beautiful. A future Grammy winner discovered by accident. Then, my mf-ing alarm clock woke me up, that sumbish, put me into a mood. I really wanted to see the songbird receive accolades for his talent. 
It occurred to me, as I'm writing this post:
I've been consumed with rejuvenating my appearance. Losing weight, building firm muscle, getting new and larger breasts(in 19 days!!!) are only some of the steps I've taken. 
My efforts aren't going unnoticed. Directors are remarking, makeup artists commenting, even my forgot-my-birthday-for-the-second-year-in-a-row agent has mentioned the difference. 
In just a few days, I'll be departing for Italy, where I'm ranked #1. Who knows? Maybe, when I return to the US, in a couple of weeks, someone will hand me the microphone and this future award winner will be discovered, by accident. 
Have a great day! 😚😚😚


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