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Okidokes! so got several updates on stuff I'm workin on- if anyone cares to hear these updates lol

So first off, I was given a realy fuggin cool DSLR camera with lotsa lenses n stuff that may potentiality be useful for takin pics n videos! I'm not sure how good it is for nudes but it's something I can most definitely experiment with and figure out as i go along!

Second rather super long thing I have to talk about, my mushroom spawn bag got contaminated, so I decided to buy 2 different LC syringes and 4 spawn bags from a new vendor. That way I can start again, grow 2 strains, have more substrate, and isolate contamination in one bag if that ever becomes an issue. Plus these mushrooms have really good genetics and have really wild shapes so I'm super excited to see how i can nurse em to full size!!!

And also lastly I got some cool new lights n stuff lol.  Sorry for that long drawn out update but I've got some interesting stuff i wanna play around with, and in excited to show y'all how it turns out! Anyways TLDR: Cool camera lotsa new cool mushrooms and new lights have a really good day you wonderful bastard


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